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School of Health Sciences
Sem 1 Undergraduate Common Courses
Sem 1 Undergraduate Common Courses
Course categories
School of Health Sciences
School of Health Sciences / Bachelor of Nursing
School of Health Sciences / Sem 1 Undergraduate Common Courses
School of Computing and Information Technology
School of Science
School of Business and Economics
University common courses
University common courses / Trimester one common units
University common courses / Trimester Two common units
School of Education and Social Sciences
School of Education and Social Sciences / Undergraduate courses
School of Education and Social Sciences / Undergraduate courses / Year I Semester I
School of Education and Social Sciences / Undergraduate courses / Year I Semester II
School of Education and Social Sciences / Undergraduate courses / Year II Semester I
School of Education and Social Sciences / Undergraduate courses / Year II Semester II
School of Education and Social Sciences / Undergraduate courses / Year III Semester I
School of Education and Social Sciences / Undergraduate courses / Year III Semester II
School of Education and Social Sciences / Undergraduate courses / Year IV Semester I
School of Education and Social Sciences / Undergraduate courses / Year IV Semester II
School of Education and Social Sciences / Masters
School of Education and Social Sciences / Masters / Semester I
School of Education and Social Sciences / Masters / Semester II
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