My name is Dr. Tom Mongare. REL 818 course has been developed by me, and I aspire to be your facilitator.

Welcome to the course REL 818: Judaism.

You will enjoy 45 hours of blended mode learning here at KAFUCO. The Course is offered during the second semester of your first year at Kaimosi Friends University [KAFUCO]. It is hosted in the Department of Social Sciences. This course aims to equip you with the requisite Knowledge sufficient for you to become an efficient and effective scholar in courses in the wider scope of comparative religion.

Mode of delivery

1 Technology enabled learning

2Traditional face-to-face mode.

3. On-line educational Sources [OER]
For more details about this course read topic one [1[ below].

•Blended learning is a modern style of education in which students learn via electronic and online media as well as traditional face-to-face teaching.
Why blended learning?

Access to a variety of OER resources ie
•Text-based resources
•PowerPoint presentations
•Videos and animations
•Web links
•Self-marking puzzles, quizzes, and games
•Coursework assignments